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Refinery Degassing Chemicals

What is degassing? Degassing in refineries and the oil and gas industry.

Degassing is the removal of gases or vapors, some of which could be potentially harmful or hazardous, in the oil & gas industry, including refineries. LELs, Benzene, Mercaptans, and Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) can be produced and may be present in vessels, tanks, and piping and need to be removed or reduced prior to moving onto operations and activities regarding inspections and maintenance.

What is the purpose of degassing? Why is degassing important?

The purpose of degassing in oil refineries and in the oil and gas industry is that it can lead to a safer and more environmentally friendly working environment, as well as compliance with regulations should they apply. The removal of harmful or hazardous gases improves safety and conditions for personnel, reducing the risk of health issues, accidents, and even explosions. 

Unwanted Harmful or Hazardous Gasses Removed:

  • VOCs
  • LELs
  • Benzene
  • Hydrogen Sulfide - H2S
  • Mercaptans

Where can degassing be applied?

Refinery Degassing Products

Our JPX line contains powerful water-based and non-hazardous products formulated for refinery degassing as well as other petrochemical, and industrial cleaning applications. Our cleaning solutions are cost-effective and proven to outperform other well-known but significantly more expensive products. JPX has been utilized in numerous turnarounds and shutdowns. It is highly effective at low concentrations. Additionally, it is biodegradable and compatible with most surfaces.

JPX Degassing & Decontamination Cleaner: A powerful cleaner that removes hydrocarbons and other contaminants.
JPX-E for Cleaning Sour Equipment (H₂S): Use this formula for hydrocarbons and for complete H2S removal. JPX-E is a biodegradable degreaser that handles the toughest cleaning jobs.
JPX-EE Neutralizes Pyrophoric Materials: Solubilizes and oxidizes pyrophoric materials, use this product in the decontamination and cleaning process as a pyrophoric remover.  

Jayne Products also offers Refinery Planning & Services, as well as Petrochemical Services and Planning.

JPX Product Line Benefits

  • Refinery Top rated in heavy oil degreasing, degassing, emulsification, and being low in toxicity with minimal effluent impact
  • After degassing and decontamination process, waste streams can be broken into layers for hydrocarbon recovery
  • Powerful water-based product
  • Reduces time compared to traditional steam only purging
  • Biodegradable
  • Non-Caustic, Non-corrosive and compatible with all metals
  • Significantly reduces time to reach acceptable Benzene, Hydrogen Sulfide and LEL levels
  • Excellent with foamers and stable foam for vertical cling
  • Easy to use application
  • Superior Emulsification of 40%
  • FeS Oxidized
  • 0 PPM LEL
  • 0 PPM H2S
  • 0 Pyrophorics
  • 0 PPM Benzene

Degassing, decontamination, or vapor phase cleaning with JPX will:

  • Remove hazardous and unwanted gases from equipment
  • Degasses that which can’t be contacted by a liquid circulation
  • Safe for people, the effluent system, and air quality
  • Amount of product used reduced, leading to less waste
  • The energy needed to maintain the temperature of solution reduced
  • Procedures and applications are consistent and verifiable, reducing the risk of further downtime
  • Preparation and maintenance activity time reduced 

What is the refinery degassing process? 

  1. JPX begins working when it is pumped into a saturated steam source-typically medium pressure. The steam carries the JPX throughout the equipment.
  2. The solvent in the product vaporizes, this action sweeps the light hydrocarbons to the relief system.
  3. During this process, JPX will degas the system, removing H2S as well as bring LEL, Benzene to 0 PPM.
  4. The heavier contaminates form an emulsion with the oil and steam condensate. This emulsion is drained intermittently during the process and fully at the end of the process.
  5. After the process is finished the steam is stopped and the equipment is water rinsed to cool down and prepare for personnel entry. The oil will rapidly separate from the emulsion for recovery.

Degassing Methods: Chemical Degassing and Decontamination Applications

Learn More About Our Safe and Effective Degassing Products

Our refinery degassing chemical products are proven to be highly effective cleaning and decontaminating agents. JPX is also used as a crude oil tank cleaning chemical to clean sludge for oil recovery, neutralize hydrogen sulfide (JPX-E), or pyrophoric removal (JPX-EE).

Our products won’t damage surfaces and are safer, more eco-friendly alternative to other, harsher products on the market. See why our customers trust and value what we offer on our JPX reviews page. 

For more information about our company and products, follow our BlogsYoutube, and Linkedin.

Contact us to discuss your refinery degassing application or request a quote for the JPX formula that meets your requirements. 

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