Industrial Degreasers, Deodorizers and Cleaners for Refinery Decontamination and Cleaning

Refinery Decontamination Chemical Cleaners
Jayne Products, Inc has supplied the U.S. refining industry with chemical cleaning products for refinery maintenance since 1986. These products have evolved from the experience gained in hundreds of refinery maintenance and petrochemical plant turnarounds. This includes vapor phase cleaning chemicals for equipment, industrial degreasers for area cleaning, fin fan foam cleaning chemicals, and industrial deodorizers.
We offer applications engineering to customers not currently familiar with the chemical cleaning process. Our experienced technical personnel are familiar with the refinery maintenance protocols for some of the largest refineries in the world.
Shutdown and Turnaround Chemical Cleaning Projects
Our staff will assist in the delivery and automatic inventory control. We also offer expert consultation and project management as required for a variety of applications such as: shutdowns, turnarounds, area cleaning, fin fans, exchangers, desalters, offline cleaning, tank cleaning, odor control and pipeline cleaning.