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Industrial Plant Covid Safety Tips

Tips and precautions to prevent covid in industrial plants

  • If workers are sick, make sure they stay home. Ensure workers report health concerns with the company.

  • Practice social distancing, setting up plexiglass between stations, and establishing zones so there is no mingling between workers.

  • Put up new signs to encourage distancing and floor stickers to maintain 6-foot distance.

  • Ensure workers have proper protective equipment against Covid, such as disposable masks, gloves, disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, and more.

  • Stagger start, end, and break times to minimize congregating.

  • Before each shift, screen workers for symptoms.

  • Do not allow sharing of equipment or supplies.

  • Work with state and local officials and health professionals to ensure guidelines are met.

  • Leave doors open and increase ventilation rates.

  • Regularly disinfect surfaces that are highly touched.

Hand Sanitizer

In your plant, it is essential to have hand sanitizer stations in many areas to encourage employees to use it regularly throughout the workday to kill the germs on their hands. Jayne Products hand sanitizer is a safe, cost-effective solution, meeting the guidelines of the CDC, WHO, and FDA. It is available in bulk to ensure your plant has sufficient hand sanitizer for employees.


Providing gloves for employees of your plant will protect against the spread of germs through the hands. It is important to provide employees gloves to keep on them throughout the workday, as this will limit the spread of the virus and other germs. Jayne Products offers a selection of Nitrile, Latex, and Vinyl Gloves for many uses including industrial work. Check them out here. 

Industrial Impact and Uncertainty of Covid-19

In the current times, it can be difficult dealing with what to expect for your plant. With guidelines constantly changing and new information by the day, it is important to prepare for uncertainty. It is essential to think ahead to prepare your business for uncertainty, and arrange for the correct supplies at your plant in the case that they are needed. Cleaning supplies are a prevalent need throughout the pandemic, and Jayne Products is here to provide you with these products.



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