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Paraffin Removal Crude Oil Wells and Gas

JP-Paraffin Remover for Crude Oil Wells and Gas

Jayne Products Paraffin Crude Oil Remover is a Paraffin Solvent that will efficiently and completely remove the buildup of waxy substances in crude oil. It is essential to remove paraffin from crude oil wells, as these deposits can cause costly issues which can devastate oil production.

Paraffin Wax Deposition and Formation

Paraffin wax is a component of crude oil that builds up and has drastic negative effects on oil production and refineries. These paraffin are alkanes with a high molecular weight which have a choking effect on crude oil wells. Over time, these build-ups of deposits cause a decrease in production capacity and ability. In terms of their makeup, these deposits vary in thickness and consistency, from soft to hard compositions. Those paraffin with a higher molecular weight will be more brittle than those with a lower molecular weight. These paraffin are predominantly caused by a loss in solubility of the crude oil, which can be caused by a variety of changes to the oil well. These include changes in:

  • Change in temperature
  • Change in pressure
  • Change in composition

Paraffin Problems in Crude Oil Production

Paraffin buildup can cause extreme inefficiencies in the production process and affect all portions of the transfer system. If left untreated for long enough, this can cause complete failure of the oil recovery system, as it can cause blockage of piping and flow block. Each year, problems relating to paraffin lead to billions of dollars in the loss within the petroleum industry. The following are problems that paraffin build-ups cause:

  • Expensive chemicals
  • Less overall production capacity
  • Less production capacity
  • Shutting-in of the oil well
  • Flowlines being blocked
  • Failures to equipment
  • Extra horsepower needed to produce
  • More attention is needed to machines

There are several processes to remove paraffin wax from crude oil, however, the chemical treatment method is the most effective. Jayne Products Paraffin Crude Oil Remover is a chemical solvent that can be used to treat paraffin wax in oil refineries, and ensure your business does not fall victim to the problems caused by paraffin.

Paraffin Remover for Crude Oil Wells and Gas: Why Choose Jayne Products for Your Paraffin Removal Needs?

Jayne Products Paraffin Crude Oil Remover is a cost-effective solution for refinery needs. It improves on the efficiency of the plant overall and is an environmentally-friendly formulation. Our Paraffin Crude Oil Remover outperforms other paraffin removal solutions. Check out our demonstration video below to see how our product compares to others in action, as well as the level of effectiveness in a weak recirculation, to see how easily the internal surfaces are then rinsed.

Benefits of using Jayne Products for Paraffin Crude Oil Removal Needs are:

  • We test each paraffin sample against our product line to determine the most cost-effective option
  • improve performance and cost
  • Non-Toxic
  • Non-Carcinogenic
  • Safe and Easy to Use
  • Concentrated and Effective
  • Derived from Renewable Resources
  • Biodegradable
  • Safe for Your Workers and Our Environment

Paraffin Crude Oil Remover Video Demo 

Petroleum Based Solvent/Diesel Section

Petroleum-based solvents use petroleum to cut through residues, in order to dissolve these residues. These solvents are very effective at cutting through oil-based and greasy buildups. As petroleum-based solvents can be hazardous, it is important to wear protective gear including gloves and eyewear to ensure you are safe from potential risks.

Asphaltene removal from heavy crude oil

In crude oil wells, deposits called asphaltenes can build up, and directly affect the capacity of these wells. The deposits can cause a slowing of flow in the wells, and in some cases, can cause the well to be completely plugged from oil flowing through. If there is asphaltene in your crude oil wells, it is pertinent to control these deposits to maintain the production capacity of your well. One method of removing asphaltene is removing them manually, however, this can only be fulfilled on equipment that is easily reachable and accessible. Another method of removing asphaltene is chemical inhibitors, which can be placed in the oil and will flow through the wells before asphaltene forms. This method is very effective and can reach all portions of the well.

Proper Paraffin Disposal With The JP Advantage

In crude oil wells, it is important to use safe techniques for waste management. This will ensure that there are no bad effects on the environment and that all regulations are followed. First, it is important to reduce build-up, by using Jayne Products Crude Oil Paraffin Remover. Secondly, it is important to recover the oil which is separated through this process. Finally, you must properly dispose of any oil paraffin or build-up. To dispose of these deposits, there are several methods, such as incineration, oxidation, biodegradation, and solidification. In this process, Jayne Products can provide an enormous advantage over the competition, not only with competitive pricing but also by being environmentally conscious.


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